Time table
The presentation will be in English. Simultaneous interpretation into Japanese will be provided.
Please refrain from recording or photographing the presentations. Presentation materials for each session will be sent to the registered email address after the conference.
[Day1 : 21st Nov.]
Start | End | Contents | Room A (902) | Room B (901) |
10:00 | 10:10 | Greeting from organizer(主催者挨拶) | Mr. Fumiaki Kono, Conference chair, Nippon SPICE Network (NSPICE.NET) 日本SPICEネットワーク 河野 文昭 氏 | |
10:10 | 11:10 | Keynote speech (基調講演)#1 How to ensure that development teams and assessors speak the same language? | Mr. Bernhard Sechser, International Assessor Certification Scheme (intacs) intacs ベルンハルト・ゼクサー氏 | |
11:10 | 11:55 | Special speech (特別講演)#1 Latest Trend of Cybersecurity for Automotive Industry | Mr. Shigeyuki Kawana, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) 日本自動車工業会 川名 茂之 氏 | |
11:55 | 12:55 | Lunch break 休憩 | ||
12:55 | 13:25 | Sponsor session (スポンサーセッション)A Diamond #1 AI-Powered Co-Assessor: How It Complements Assessor Skills Platinum #1 Business Garage, Inc. Company Introduction Platinum #2 Introduction to A-SPICE Development Initiatives at FPT Automotive | Mr. Kazunari Tabuchi, Assessor Academy, Business Cube & Partners アセッサー・アカデミー ビジネスキューブ・アンド・パートナーズ 田渕 一成 氏 | Mr. Tetsuzo Uchiyama Business Garage ビジネスガレージ 内山 哲三氏 Mr. Kei Sakakibara FPT Automotive 榊原 恵 氏 |
13:25 | 14:00 | Presentation Japan (一般発表:日本)#1 Tackling AI Quality Assurance -Comprehensive approach in DENSO- Presentation India (一般発表:インド)#1 Assessment Experience: Common Issues & proposed solutions | Mr. Tetsuya Nakagami, Dr. Hiroshi Kuwajima, DENSO Corporation デンソー 中神 徹也 氏、桑島 洋 氏 | Mr. Ravindra Nath IQI Consulting Services IQIコンサルティングサービス ラビンドラ・ナート 氏 |
14:00 | 14:35 | Presentation China (一般発表:中国)#1 The Exploration of Software Quality Methods in the Context of end-to-end Technology Presentation South Korea (一般発表:韓国)#1 Introduction of Korean SPICE Network | Mr. Sheng Zhang, Horizon Robotics ホライズン ロボティクス 張 晟 氏 | Mr. Kwangho Che Korean SPICE Nework 蔡 光浩 氏 |
14:35 | 15:05 | Sponsor session (スポンサーセッション)B Diamond #2 Navigating the Tension: Balancing ASPICE, Agile, and Efficienc Diamond #3 Holistic Development Process with AID and APF by Stages | Mr. Jürgen Müller, Mr. Markus Blonn IAV GmbH ユルゲン・ミュラー氏 マーカス・ブロン氏 | Mr. Takashi Shinohara 篠原 隆 氏 UL Solutions |
15:05 | 15:30 | Coffee break 休憩 | ||
15:30 | 16:15 | Special speech (特別講演)#2 First edition of ISO/SAE 21434 and towards the second edition | Mr. Atsuya Suzuki, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE) 自動車技術会 鈴木 敦也 氏 | |
16:15 | 17:00 | Special speech (特別講演)#3 Status of assessment and fostering of partner software development system | Mr. Choi Jonggu, Hyundai Motor 現代自動車 チョイ・ジョング氏 Mr. Moon Ikus, KIA Motor 起亜自動車 ムーン・イクス氏 | |
17:00 | 17:45 | Special speech (特別講演)#4 Driving the Future Embracing New Technologies and Agile Methodologies in Mercedes-Benz’s Quest for Excellence in Supplier Quality | Mr. Thomas Kömmerling, Mercedes-Benz メルセデス・ベンツ トーマス・ケマーリング 氏 | |
17:45 | 17:50 | Day1 Closing(クロージング) | Mr. Kazunari Tabuchi, NSPICE.NET 日本SPICEネットワーク 田渕 一成 氏 | |
18:00 | 20:00 | Social event (Exhibition hall, 5th Floor) 交流会(5階 展示ホール) |
[Day2 : 22nd Nov.]
Start | End | Contents | Room A (902) | Room B (901) |
9:00 | 10:00 | Keynote speech (基調講演)#2 Automotive SPICE® News and data from the certification office | Dr. Jan Morenzin, VDA QMC ヤン・モレンツィン 氏 | |
10:00 | 10:45 | Special speech (特別講演)#5 Practice Oriented adaption and Continuous Development of A-SPICE | Mr. Jianhua Chen, CARIAD China 陳 剣華 氏 | |
10:45 | 11:15 | Coffee break 休憩 | ||
11:15 | 11:45 | Sponsor session (スポンサーセッション)C Diamond #4 Introducing System & Software Modeling Tool Next Design Platinum #3 Our approach to changing in vehicle development and Introduction of Business Improvement Services Platinum #4 Software Quality Assurance Solutions for Strengthening Cyber Security Measures | Mr. Takashi Nishimura, Denso Create デンソークリエイト 西村 隆 氏 | Mr. Makoto Motomura SCSK 本村 誠 氏 Mr. Yoshio Suzuki, 鈴木 祥郎 氏 Techmatrix テクマトリックス |
11:45 | 12:20 | Presentation Singapore (一般発表:シンガポール)#1 Automotive SPICE for Cybersecurity Experience Sharing Presentation Japan (一般発表:日本)#2 Introduce D3V as coaching model and support ASPICE coach with D3V model ~Round2~ | Mr. Mann Yee, Ooi Continental Singapore コンチネンタルオートモーティブ シンガポール マン イー・ウイ氏 | Mr. Takashi Mukasa, Manager – Engineering Business Excellence, Bosch Corporation ボッシュ 武笠 崇 氏 Mr. Subramaniam Krishnaveni Vairavan (KV) , Senior Manager – Operations and Efficiency, ETAS KK イータス クリシュナヴェニ・ヴァイラヴァン 氏 |
12:20 | 13:20 | Lunch break 休憩 | ||
13:20 | 13:35 | Sponsor session (スポンサーセッション)D Platinum #5 How to effectively integration for organizational processes Platinum #6 Software Engineering Process Group Casual Talk ―Study of “pretending work” ― | Mr. Takehiro Furuta 古田健裕氏 SGS | Ms. Michiko Kominami 小南 美智子氏 Mr. Katsuyuki Chikami 近美 克行 氏 CEC シーイーシー |
13:35 | 14:10 | Presentation India (一般発表:インド)#2 Challenges in Preparing Projects for HW ASPICE Presentation China (一般発表:中国)#2 NIO Software Quality Management based on ATQ System | Mr. Umesh K. Pai Continental Automotive India コンチネンタルオートモーティブ インディア ウメシュ・パイ・カルカラ氏 | Ms. Wen Su, Head of NIO Software Quality Department & Software Quality Senior Expert, NIO 蘇 雯 氏 |
14:10 | 14:40 | Sponsor session(スポンサーセッション) E Diamond #5 Superman vs. genius Platinum #7 Preparation for the safety argument of ADS Platinum #8 How to adapt to the evolving and increasingly complex development processes in the automotive industry | Mr. Kwangho Che, 蔡 光浩 氏 Quantum and Associates | Ms. Misako Imai DNV 今井 美紗子 氏 Mr. Hiroshi Kai 甲斐 博 氏 Mr. Hiroyoshi Ueshima 植島 啓吉 氏 Ricksoft リックソフト |
14:40 | 15:00 | Coffee break 休憩 | ||
15:00 | 15:45 | Special speech (特別講演)#6 Introduction of a case study of the process of applying AI software to AD/ADAS functions | Mr. Yuki Kizumi, Honda Motor 本田技研工業 喜住 祐紀 氏 | |
15:45 | 16:30 | Special speech (特別講演)#7 Qualification of Automotive Memory Product Based on ASPICE, ISO26262 and Cybersecurity | Mr. Heechul Kyung, Samsung Electronics サムソン電子 ヒーチョル・キョン 氏 | |
16:30 | 17:15 | Special speech (特別講演)#8 Latest approach to cost-effective software assurance according to the risks identified in space systems | Mr. Masa Katahira, Mr. Taisuke Kanbe Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 宇宙航空研究開発機構 片平 真史 氏、神戸 大輔 氏 | |
17:15 | 17:25 | Best presentation award’(最優秀発表表彰) | Mr. Fumiaki Kono, Conference chair, NSPICE.NET 日本SPICEネットワーク 河野 文昭 氏 | |
17:25 | 17:30 | Handover ceremony for the 2nd ASCON & Closing (第2回主催国へのハンドオーバー、クロージング) | Mr. Kazuhiko Hagiwara, Vice conference chair, NSPICE.NET 日本SPICEネットワーク 萩原 一彦 氏 Mr. Kwangho Che, Korean SPICE Network 蔡 光浩 氏 |