
Leveraging the latest technologies and extensive support experience, we deliver safety and speed to the frontlines of software development 

To rapidly develop software requiring superior safety, such as for automobiles or medical devices, or software involving data coordination, such as for digital transformation (DX) or microservices, there is a need for comprehensive, high-volume testing and debugging to be carried out within a short period of time. TechMatrix provides solutions for a wide range of needs, including developmental support tools that improve productivity and quality as well as bug detection during software development, automated testing, impact assessment, security weakness detection, project and test management, and CI/CD and DevOps tool environments in cloud infrastructure. 

C言語/C++言語対応 静的解析・単体テストツール「C/C++test」 
C/C++test – static and dynamic analysis tool for C/C++ 

C/C++test supports various requirements, including coding standard checks for MISRA, AUTOSAR, CERT, and CWE, as well as unit testing and coverage measurement. 
By incorporating static analysis and unit testing with C/C++test into the automotive software development process, you can expect improved testing efficiency and enhanced source code quality. 

FossID – OSS License & Security Management Tool 

FossID is a cutting-edge OSS license & security management tool supported by a state-of-the-art scanning engine and an extensive open-source information database. It conducts fast scans using a unique code search algorithm on source code in various programming languages, identifying the open-source origins of the code. 

単体・結合テスト対応ファジングツール「Mayhem for Code」   
Mayhem for Code – Fuzzing tool for unit and integration testing 

Mayhem for Codeは、自律的にソフトウェアのバグ・脆弱性を検出し、テスト作業を大幅に削減する単体・結合テスト対応ファジングツールです。開発者の労力やスキルに依存せず、バグや脆弱性の検出と高いカバレッジを実現します。 
Mayhem for Code is an autonomous unit and integration testing fuzzing tool that significantly reduces testing work by detecting software bugs and vulnerabilities. It achieves high coverage and detects bugs and vulnerabilities without relying on the effort or skills of developers. 