Automotive SPICE® – News and data from the certification office

Dr. Jan Morenzin,

Head of VDA QMC certification office for Automotive SPICE,
[Presentation Overview]
This presentation will give an overview about the usage of Automotive SPICE worldwide and especially in Japan.
It will also address the latest statistical data with respect to the certification of Automotive SPICE Assessors.
Also, the current activities in VDA QMC regarding Automotive SPICE will be reported.

本プレゼンテーションでは、Automotive SPICEの世界的な使用状況、特に日本での利用状況について概説する。
また、Automotive SPICEアセッサーの認証に関する最新の統計データにも触れる。
さらに、VDA QMCにおけるAutomotive SPICE関連の最新の活動状況についても報告する。
Jan studied electronic engineering and Physics. He finished his education with a PhD in Physics.
After that he started working as software engineer and project leader for embedded development.
Within the last 20 years he worked as freelancer in different roles for embedded automotive and non-automotive development.
Since 2007 he is responsible for the VDA QMC activities on Automotive SPICE.
He is member of several standardization working groups such as VDA QMC PG13 or ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7.
Since 2021 Jan is head of the VDA QMC certification office for Automotive SPICE.

2007年以降、ヤン氏はVDA QMCのAutomotive SPICEに関する活動を担当している。
VDA QMCのPG13やISO/IEC JTC1/SC7など、いくつかの標準化作業グループのメンバーでもある。
2021年からはVDA QMCのAutomotive SPICE認証オフィスの責任者を務めている。